1月11日土曜日に、未来創造科の授業がありました!私たちは今、「Global Justice」というテーマで探究しています。その中で広島大学の草原教授や、大学院生と進めているのが、「日米教科書プロジェクト」!!アメリカの小学生と原爆や平和について意見を交流しながら日米の双方の立場を踏まえた教科書を作っています!今回の授業はプロジェクトの第3回目でした。過去2回の授業で私たちなりに作った教科書をアメリカの小学校に送り、今回はアメリカの小学校から送られてきた教科書を読んで類似点や相違点を分析しました。私たちはもっとアメリカ側の視点からの意見・考え方を深く知りたいと思い、その思いや考えを意見文にしました!
We had a class of “Future Creation Program”on January 11th! We are now exploring about “Global justice”. Currently, we are doing a project called “Japan-US Textbook Project” with a Hiroshima University professor and the graduate students !! We are now trying to make a textbook about the atomic bomb by sharing our opinions with America’s elementary students so the textbook can be based on both US and Japan’s positions . This time was the third time of this project. We made a textbook by our selves and sent it to the elementary school in America in the past 2 classes. This time we read the textbook that America’s elementary students made and analyzed the same part and the different part of each school’s book. We want to know more about America’s opinions and thoughts based on the position as a country and we wrote this feeling and thoughts as a opinion statement!
Here we had a deep discussion about it and each and every student was thinking about “PEACE”again, and the discussion was the trigger to recognize diversity of thinking. Also we learned the importance of deciding a goal before the discussion.
We will show some thoughts we had!!
・An opinion that there is peace that can be protected by the nuclear weapons has prompted me to think about whether nuclear weapons are needed peacefully.
・I communicated with some people from foreign countries who were watching the class and I got some very nice opinions and questions from them and my thinking of peace become deeper. I want to improve my English skills so that I can express my opinions well in English.
・Opinions and ideas in the United States are valuable, so I want to cherish them.
・We are Japanese but we thought it was important to take in perspectives from the world.
・I realized that there were prejudices throughout this project and so I thought I needed to know more about the facts.
・I reaffirmed the importance of setting the direction in this lesson.
We are living in the A-bombed country, so there is a lot to learn from by thinking about the position of US. I want you to think about peace in a slightly different way than usual !!