
本校教員が寄稿した書籍が出版されました。A book to which our faculty contributed has been published.


タイトルは「THE CARBON ALMANAC」で,気候変動等に関する内容です。

また,サイモンIB教科指導等アドバイザーが3年間かけて執筆した書籍「Dear Indy」もこの7月に出版されています。ぜひ御覧ください。

A book to which Simon Whalley, an IB subject guidance adviser in our English Department, contributed, has just been published.

The title of the book is “THE CARBON ALMANAC” and it is about climate change.

Also, published in July is “Dear Indy,” a book that Simon spent three years writing.

Please take a look.

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