
HiGA Sports Festival 2024を開催しました

5月18日(土)に「HiGA Sports Festival 2024」を開催しました。晴天に恵まれ、多くの保護者の方や地域の方々にお越しいただきました。ありがとうございます。今年度は6学年揃って行う初めてのスポーツフェスティバルということもあり、大きな歓声と熱気が飛び交う素晴らしい1日となりました。


HiGA Sports Festival 2024 was held on Saturday, May 18. Blessed with fine weather, many parents and community members attended. We are grateful for their support. As this was the first sports festival for all six grades this year, it was a wonderful day with loud cheers and lots of enthusiasm.

In particular, G12 and G11 had to compete without much time to practice, but they showed us how much they have grown together at HiGA. Other highlights of the Sports Festival included the competition management by each student committee led by G10, and the cheering competition between the two teams led by the leaders in G9.


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