We are a learning
community rooted in local context
with global vision



We held an exchange event inviting a total of seven lecturers

On Friday, February 14, we held an exchange event with junior high school students and a geography class for first and second year high school students, inviting a total of seven lecturers, including globally active researchers,…

A Career Roundtable Discussion was held in HiGA!

We welcomed 6 students (who will graduate on Saturday, March 1st) from G12 to our Career Roundtable. It was a great opportunity for the current students to learn about the IBDP and the challenges they have…

Our school's initiatives were featured in the Chugoku Shimbun for two consecutive days!

As we approach the graduation ceremony of our first graduating class on March 1 (Saturday), the Chugoku Shimbun published an article about our school's efforts.   (Published on February 11, 2025, morning edition, page 20) (Published…

Our student' s activity was featured in the Chugoku Shinbun newspaper!

An article about Tamae Kurogi, a G12 student, was published in the Chugoku Shinbun newspaper. She is the only high school student serving as an expert member of the Council for Children and Families. (Published on…

The third-year high school students (G12) Final Presentation in the period for Inquiry-Based Cross-Disciplinary Study (JICA Group)

On Wednesday, December 18, the third-year high school students gave their final presentation on “Solutions to Global Issues”, which they worked on in the class. Ms. Kanae Shinjo from JICA Chugoku Center was invited to the…


On December 19, G11 students held a TOK exhibit. Each student brought three items and made presentation based on the TOK “Knowledge Question.” Their positive attitude showed their growth as they talked about TOK to juniors…
