
Learning in English and Japanese

The language learning pathways in HiGA are designed to develop proficient communicative skills in both Japanese and English as competencies contributing towards agency for global citizenship. Students can take all classes in English.

HiGA is authorized to offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP).

The Japanese National Curriculum (JNC) is synergized with the IB, providing knowledge which is rooted in the local context but which is also applicable to the global vision of HiGA.

A program of social, emotional and ethical learning is another curriculum strand synergized throughout the school. This program fosters the skills and values that graduates will need for creating a future of well-being, peace, and sustainability.

Non-native Japanese speakers do not need to worry. Students who are still learning this language will be given support. The school has native Japanese and native English teachers. All teachers are involved with the students as language teachers, so we can support them with their classes and daily activities.