We held an exchange event inviting a total of seven lecturers

On Friday, February 14, we held an exchange event with junior high school students and a geography class for first and second year high school students, inviting a total of seven lecturers, including globally active researchers, entrepreneurs, members of society involved in international support, and students learning about the environment. 

A total of seven lecturers were invited to this event, including internationally active researchers and entrepreneurs, working people involved in international support, and students studying environmental issues. 

About 30 students participated in an exchange session with the junior high school students during their lunch break, where they were divided into groups for each lecturer and engaged in lively dialogue. 

From the students, 

I realized that there are many things I can do, and I learned the importance of challenging myself and outputting my ideas. 

The lecturers were very kind to us, and we had a very productive time. 

In the geography class for first and second year high school students, the lecturers talked about their own careers and gave case studies on world politics, peace, sanitation, and ethnic issues. 

From the students, 

Listening to the lecturers with various careers gave me an opportunity to think about my future as well as global environmental issues and refugee problems. 

The students said, “Because of the lecturers’ diverse activities since their student days, they were able to connect with many people and find new discoveries and goals. I was impressed by the way they did that.” 

The students were exposed to various issues around the world and had a valuable opportunity to think about their future.