
(English follows Japanese.) 令和4年11月26日に実施する令和5年度入学予定者説明会の事前共有資料として,次のとおり掲載します。 ついては,説明会当日までに御確認くださるようお願いいたします。 なお,閲覧のためのパスワードについては,入学予定者に対して,別途メールにてお知らせいたします。 The following documents are to be shared in advance of the orientation session for prospective students for the 2023 academic school year to be held on November 26, 2022. Please check them before the day of the session. The password for viewing these documents will be sent to prospective students by email separately. 日本語資料 ・授業料等について(Japanese) ・方針等(Japanese) ・Student Code of Conduct(Japanese) ・HiGA Dormitory Code of Conduct(Japanese) English Documents ・Tuition Fees(英語) ・Visa Status(英語) ・Policies(英語) ・Student Code of Conduct(英語) ・HiGA Dormitory Code of Conduct(英語)
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The Chair of Hawaii State Board of Education and some educators visited HiGA. Our students took the lead in a campus tour and discussed possible future collaborations. We look forward to collaborating with students in Hawaii in near future.
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Esta muy rico!!!In the home economics class for gread 10 students, we have been working on a project to create dishes that originate from the hometowns of our international students. This time, as the second project following the Aussie meat pie, we made “chilaquiles,” a local Mexican dish. Under the supervision of a foreign student from Mexico, corn tortillas were deep-fried and tossed in a tomato-based sauce for a truly authentic taste! Esta muy rico!!!
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Hiroshima Global Academy(HiGA)’s students are working with video production professionals on a project to produce a promotional movie for HiGA. The students learned interviewing tips and how to use video equipment, and spent three days shooting a variety of videos. The movie is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2022. Stay tuned!
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As part of the 25th anniversary of the friendship agreement between Hiroshima Prefecture and the State of Hawaii, our principal and two of our students visited Oahu, Hawaii, from October 9 to October 13. On the first day, we visited Pearl Harbor, which was a valuable opportunity to think about peace, and on the second day, we visited Niu Valley Middle School and Roosevelt High School, where we observed classes and student council activities at the local middle and high schools. On the fourth day, we visited the University of Hawaii at Manoa to see the vast and natural campus. We were able to learn a lot through this valuable 
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On Thursday, September 1, 2022, we held the Fall Entrance Ceremony for two new students who entered our high school. In his address, Principal Fukushima welcomed the new students and expressed his hope that they would acquire self-regulation and resilience through the Diploma Program, which will begin in January 2023, and that they would grow up to be strong and resilient.
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Hiroshima Global Academy is now accepting applications for the 2023 Admissions. If you are considering enrolling in our school, please register your application by noon on August 31, 2022. Application Form: https://higa.openapply.com/apply
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We have admission information session for those who plan to take the entrance examination to introduce the eligibility requirements, application procedures, and selection process on June 11th. June 11th, 2022 @1-2pm, JST* ・Principal Adress ・Presentation – Admission ・Questions *JST is 9 hours ahead of UTC Please mark the “Going” at least one day before the event and access at the event’s start time, 1pm JST. We look forward to seeing you at the event. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88072781234 Click here for an overview of the school. *The working language for this event is English.
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We look forward to seeing you on May 14th for our school information webinar. During the webinar, we will be introducing HiGA’s admissions process, as well as this year’s Summer School program. You will have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have A high quality education at an affordable price ==================== We are a public IB World School with a full board dormitory system. ==================== May 14th, 2022 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm JST | Zoom ・Principal Address ・Presentation – What you need to know about our school ・Admission Information ・Summer School 2022 ・Questions Click here for an overview of the school. https://youtu.be/VIOOrB0vFew
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Hiroshima Global Academy is now accepting applications for the 2022 Second Semester Admissions . Please feel free to register your application by noon on April 20, 2022. Application Form: https://forms.gle/2jsDxTGAWxBigNGd6
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